© 2007-2019
Our company is a member of the Bulgarian Chamber od Commerce and Industry.
Reference number: 0000036281
Check for current registration may be done at the site of a Voluntary trade register of the BCCI.
Since the beginning of 2007 Parallax 999 Ltd. is a member of GS1-Bulgaria.
Our company is a member of GS1-Bulgaria under number GLN: 3800218230001
GS1 is a leading international organization that develops and implements global standards and solutions to increase efficiency and transparency in chains for supply and demand in various industries worldwide.
What system is GS1? GS1 System is a system of global standards that allow unique identification of goods, services, logistics units, locations and packing for multiple uses at any point in the chain of supply. Standards can be used by all industries and facilitate trade by combining unique identification numbers with data carriers and the process of electronic commerce, leading to more efficient tracking of goods.
EAN-13 symbol is the most widespread of all GS1 symbols. Used for automatic scanning of GTIN-13 numbers (barcodes).
With a membership of 999 Paralaks GS1 Bulgaria EOOD has the possibility of coded products and use all other applications of these international standards.
On 15 July 2009 Parallax 999 Ltd is registered in the register EORI-BG Bulgaria.
EORI number our company is BGA115871319ZZZZ1
In order to achieve greater efficiency of the measures to improve security introduced by Regulation (EC) No 648/2005 of the European Parliament , it should be possible to identify the persons concerned by reference to a common number unique for each of those persons on the customs territory of the European Community (EC ).
In this connection, Commission Regulation (EC) No 312/2009 amended Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 by creating Chapter 6 "System for registration and identification”, which introduced the legal framework requiring any economic operator and where appropriate, other persons who in the course of their activities interact with the customs administration, to have an EORI number. According to Art. 4k (1) of Regulation (EC) No 312/2009, EORI number is used for identification of economic operators and other persons in their interaction with the customs authorities.
From July 1, 2009 in interaction with Community Member States’ customs administrations , every person should use his granted EORI number.
Canned sweet corn kernels
Canned fish and seafood from Spain